「混ぜる仕事」のご要望はございませんか? 天然樹脂・合成樹脂など各種水系樹脂のブレンドが得意。慶応3年創業。現在、紙管用すべり剤・接着剤、合紙・紙工用接着剤、ノンハロゲン難燃剤(特許)を中心に長年の実績。
Do you need to help with blending? Morikawa Firm (established in 1867) has a vast knowledge of blending various aqueous resins such as natural and synthetic resins. Morikawa Firm has developed numerous products and has a strong IP portfolio in the area of slip agents and adhesives for paper tubes, laminating paper and paper processing, and well as halogen-free flame retardants.