

人工歯や義歯床用レジン等の歯科材料の製造販売から始まり、歯科大学、歯科衛生士学校、歯科技工士学校で使われる歯科実習模型のトップメーカーとして歯科教育に貢献しています。ニッシンは「Dental Education Company」であろうとしています。

Nissin Dental Products was launched as a manufacturer and seller of artificial dental products and resins for dental plates. Currently, we are a leading company that offers dental models for educational training at dental schools and colleges related to dental hygiene and aimed at dental technicians. Nissin Dental Products is aiming to be “the dental education company”.

歯科実習模型 入れ歯洗浄剤

The model for dental educational training

所在地 京都府亀岡市旭町樋ノ口88(工場・管理部) 京都市中京区烏丸通り二条下る秋野々町513(西日本営業所)
TEL 075-257-7255(西日本営業所)
トピックス 2016年4月に発売しました「フィジオクリーン 歯石くりん」は、入れ歯についた歯石をご家庭で除去できる義歯洗浄剤です。 ph2.5の酸性で歯石を溶かし除去します。カンジダ菌やその他細菌の除菌、ヌメリやヤニ汚れなどに優れた効果を発揮します。
Address Factory / Management Department : 88 Asahi-cho Hinokuchi, Kameoka, Kyoto Office : 513 Karasuma-dori Nizyo-kudaru Akinono-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto
TEL 075-257-7255(西日本営業所)

The denture cleanser—“Physio Clean”— was launched in April 2016, and is a home use denture cleaner. The pH of this product is 2.5, which enables the removal of tartar. “Physio Clean” effectively removes Candida and various other bacteria, slime and resinous stains.

Q & A

  • 若年歯科医師の基礎技術を上げたいのですが良い教材はありますか?

Q & A

  • What dental hygiene model types are available for dental schools and colleges that are aimed at dental technicians?
    • Nissin Dental Products offers various models for dental educational training.
  • What teaching aids can be provided to improve the basic techniques of young dentists?
    • Nissin Dental Products would suggest monthly teaching aids and the “GP academy” video training material that support self-learning.
  • Are there different models to explain intraoral conditions and the method of treatment to patients?
    • Nissin Dental Products can offer numerous models to explain each illness and treatment type.