


“Make good use of the air with dehumidification technology.” Itsuwa Industry offers technologies for low-dew point and dehumidification environments at −80 °C. Itsuwa Industry constructs and rents large and small “dry rooms” and has extensive knowledge in the development and production of products such as lithium batteries, capacitors, condensers and organic Electro Luminescence (EL). Itsuwa Industry produces and sells special masks and clothing.

ドライルーム ドライルーム呼吸調整機「SS・HEAD」

Dry room

Respiratory controller for dry room [SS・HEAD]

所在地 京都市南区唐橋西平垣町35
TEL 075-681-2303(代)

35 Karahashi Nishihiragaki-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto

TEL 075-681-2303(代)

Q & A

  • 低ランニングコストのドライルームはないか?
  • エアコン除湿よりも低湿度の空間が欲しいが対応可能か?
  • ペレットを結晶化させながら乾燥させることはできないか

Q & A

  • Is there a dry room that can achieve a low dew-point environment?
    • Itsuwa Industry proposes an ultra-low-humidity dry room with a dew point temperature of −80 °C or lower.
  • Is there a dry room with a low running cost?
    • Itsuwa Industry can propose a dry room with low running and maintenance costs.
  • Can Itsuwa Industry offer a lower humidity space than an air conditioning dehumidification?
    • Itsuwa Industry has prepared a dry booth having a low humidity of 40% or less. By standardization, Itsuwa Industry is able to offer solutions to both large and small spaces with quick delivery times at low costs.
  • Product defects occur during the rainy season and on rainy days. What measures are taken to address these issues?
    • Please contact us for suggestions on creating the optimum temperature and humidity range and environment.
  • Is it possible to dry and crystallize pellets?
    • Itsuwa Industry proposes the “UNICO.GHF system” that can continuously crystallize and dry resin pellets such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in a short time.