

においの少ないエポキシ樹脂「NEO ONE」を2014年に製品化。塗床材、接着剤、補修材等の用途に展開。

Hattori Shoten launched a low odor epoxy resin “NEO ONE” in 2014. Since then, the product has found use in other applications to include paint materials for floors, as adhesive bonds, and repair agents. In 2016, Hattori Shoten commercialized the cellulose nanofiber dispersion material “Cenaf” as a product line, and has since been developing “Cenaf”-based reinforced materials and viscosity modifiers. In addition to sales, Hattori Shoten can also receive individual pre-commissioned orders.

ネオワン 工場床 CNNF 分散材ペースト

“NEO ONE”: factory floor:

Cellulose nanofiber dispersion material pastes.

所在地 京都市伏見区淀美豆町705番地
TEL 075-631-3128
トピックス 非水系の液体中でパルプを解繊したセルロースナノファイバー分散材「セナフ」を開発しました。
Address 705 Yodo Midu-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto
TEL 075-631-3128

Q & A

  • 個人が使用できる製品はありますか?家庭で使用できる製品はありますか?
  • OEM、委託加工はできますか?
    • はい、できます。塗床材、接着剤、補修材等の委託加工をお受けします。製品の開発、加工条件の検討、各種容器に充填等。詳細はご相談ください。
  • 工事はしてくれますか?
    • いいえ。弊社は工事用の材料を販売しています。工事に関しては、別途施工店を紹介する事ができます。
  • NEO ONEの「においが少ない」とはどのくらいですか?
    • 施工中に問題となる“におい”を1/3(当社比)にまで低減しました。
  • 用途に応じたエポキシ・シリコーン・ウレタン・アクリルエマルジョン等の使い分けと材料の特徴は?
    • 用途に応じた材料についてご相談に応じます。当社までお問い合わせください。

Q & A

  • Are there any products for personal or home use?
    • Yes, Hattori Shoten can provide adhesive bonds, water proof agents and coating materials.
  • Can original equipment manufacturing (OEM) be ordered and pre-commissioned orders be processed?
    • Yes, Hattori Shoten also accepts OEM and pre-commissioned orders. We receive pre-commissioned processing orders related to floor paintings, adhesive materials and repair materials, which can be extended to product development, process condition studies, package filling, and much more. To enquire, please contact us.
  • Does Hattori Shoten undertake construction work?
    • No, however, Hattori Shoten offers the sales of products for construction work, and in addition, can introduce customers to specific construction companies.
  • What is the “low odor” level of “NEO ONE”?
    • Hattori Shoten can achieve an odor reduction of 33% compared with our existing line of products.
  • How may one select the correct features of the epoxy, silicon, urethan and acrylic emulsion products depending on the purpose?
    • Hattori Shoten can provide consultation. To enquire, please contact us.